Face2Face Contact - Specialist Field Visiting Services

Contact Details

Face2Face Contact Limited
16 Shottery Brook Office Park 
Timothy’s Bridge Road 
Stratford upon Avon


Data Protection Contact points

T: 01789 413706
E: customerservices@face2facecontact.co.uk

What type of information we have

The following details some or all of the information we have, some of it has been shared with us by our clients or it is information that we may collect during the course of providing our services:-
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address
  • Financial details and financial circumstances, including adverse credit information and payment history
  • Personal information – some of which may include sensitive data such as information on physical or mental health
  • Photographs of Utility meters and any property information detailing access to them
  • Telephone recordings
  • Body Worn Video recordings
Our Service Provision

We need the information so we can provide the Services to our clients and to communicate with you on any matter relating to the provision of the Services in general, but your information will not be used for any other purpose.

We will use your information in the following ways:
  • Account administration - To administer accounts, collect payments and recover outstanding amounts.
  • We will use the contact information provided to us when we need to get in touch. So we might email you, give you a ring, or send a text.
  • We will use and record information about you or a member of your household. We will pass this information to our clients if you are in danger of being cut off and we believe you may need extra help. You or a member of your household may need this extra help as a result of your (or their) health, age, disability or financial circumstances.
  • We will monitor and record any communications we have with you, like phone conversations, visits and emails. This is just to make sure we are providing you with a good service and meeting our regulatory and legal responsibilities. This is also used to train our staff.
  • If you give us information on behalf of someone else, you are confirming that you have given them the information in this policy, and that they have agreed for us to use their information in the way we describe. If you give us sensitive information about yourself or other people (like health details) you agree – and confirm the person the information is about has agreed – that we can use this information in the ways set out in this document.
  • We may share your information with third parties in order to supply the services, these may include court services, contractors, correspondence management services and mailing. Where any of your data is used in these circumstances, we take all reasonable steps to ensure the data will be handled securely and in line with your rights and third parties will only be permitted to use the data for the purpose it was originally collected.

How long we keep information

We have a system of retention periods in place so that we only store your information while it is required for the services or to meet legal, regulatory and contractual requirements. Where your information is no longer required it is disposed of in a secure manner.

Protecting your Information

At Face2Face Contact we ensure that information is stored safely, that the confidentiality and integrity of information is maintained. It is only accessible to authorised users, when required and protected against unauthorised access.

Your Right to Access Information

You’re entitled to have a copy of the information we hold on you and you can have any inaccurate information corrected. If you’re interested, talk to our Compliance Department on 01789 413706 or email compliance@face2facecontact.co.uk

Our website

Our website can be used without providing personal data (information which identifies you, for example your name, your email address) this data is only stored if you choose to provide it by using our contact form or you choose to email us using any of the email addresses we provide.

By submitting your information, you consent to the use of that information as set out in this privacy notice.

Remember that communications over the internet like emails and webmails (messages sent through a website)
aren’t secure unless you’ve encrypted them. These kinds of messages may go through a number of countries before they are delivered. That’s just the nature of the internet, so we can’t accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information if it’s beyond our control.

We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.


TCG ISO, UVDB Registered
2016 ROSPA Gold Award, We are a Living Wage employer, We Support The Global Compact

Face2Face Contact Limited
16 Shottery Brook Office Park,
Timothy's Bridge Road
Warwickshire CV37 9NR
United Kingdom

T. 01789 413 700
F. 01789 417 899